When you sign-up for your FREE Assessment Session, here's everything that you're going to get!
When you sign-up for your FREE Assessment Session, here's everything that you're going to get!
From: Sean Light
Founder of 4A Health
New York, NY
Dear Friend,
When I was in second grade, I remember standing in my living room reading a magazine and suddenly feeling a painful tug behind my eyes.
Over the next hour or so, that pain grew more and more intense until it became completely unbearable.
This was the first migraine headache I ever experienced, and before long, it became a part of who I was.
I tried all the different pills and all the different experts.
Nothing helped.
My only chance was to catch it early enough, stop what I was doing and go lie down in a cool, dark room and pray that it would pass.
If I was too late, it was like a runaway train. There was no stopping it.
In 2013, I was in my first year as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Arizona Diamondbacks when I felt that all-too-familiar tug behind my eyes.
I knew I was in trouble and as the new guy on the staff, I couldn’t just leave for the day because my head hurt.
I walked into our team doctor’s office, desperate for a solution.
“Yea!” one of the guys said, “We have Andrew.”
Andrew was our resident genius. He was famous for his incredibly effective techniques that seemed to work like magic.
A few minutes later, Andrew had me on a massage table, moving my legs around, testing things and trying stuff.
I had no clue what he was doing but I was desperate.
Suddenly, he stopped and laughed, “HA! I found it.”
“You found it?” I replied.
“Yea!” he continued, “It’s coming from your Right Glute.”
As crazy as that sounds to you reading this, is exactly how crazy it sounded to me in that moment. But again…I was desperate.
“Well, can you do something about it?” I asked.
He had me turn onto my side and asked me to hold my right leg in the air.
“Don’t let me push it down.” He said.
I held it there for a few moments. Then suddenly, he shoved my knee down to the table and I reflexively shot it back up.
“There!” he said, “Stand up and walk around.”
I peeled myself off the table and slowly started walking around the room.
Now, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t instant, but over the next few minutes, my headache melted away.
He thought for a moment, looked up at me and said, “Ahhhh, it’s just too complicated.”
In that moment, I dedicated my entire life to uncovering the science behind that miracle.
Much like you, I had wondered if this would ever go away. Was this just something I was going to have to live with forever.
Was I always going to have to carry pills around in my backpack…just in case?
And in an instant, I was no longer Sean, the migraine sufferer. I was just Sean.
I had hope for a future without pain.
This was my first introduction to the incredible world of PRI.
Over the next few years, I would take every course that the institute offered.
I would even go back into the appendix of the courses to read the books they had listed in their list of resources. I wanted to know it all!
Soon, I would start to develop a reputation in the industry as “a fixer.”
As I continued to learn, I started performing my own PRI miracles.
I learned about this phenomenon that I call “the PRI giggles.”
It’s when I’m able to get rid of someone’s pain so unexpectedly fast, that their only response is to just start laughing.
I actually had a client just say this to me…
In fact, here are some more stories from our clients...
A few years after that crazy day, PRI had helped me do something else incredible.
I landed my dream job as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA.
All of this would never have happened had it not been for that fateful, life-changing day back in Arizona.
As my reputation grew in the athletic performance industry, I would travel around the country giving keynote presentations and even serve as a guest lecturer at several prestigious universities.
At the end of every presentation, I line would form towards the front of the room where people from the audience would come up to ask me about the pain they were in.
During my years in professional sports, I had produced so many magical PRI moments, but I soon began to realize that to serve at the highest level, I needed to help more than just pro athletes.
So, in 2017, I left professional sports for good, and I launched my business…a PRI clinic, here in New York City, 4A Health & Performance Sciences.
Most of the clients that come through the doors of my clinic have, what I call, “uncommon pain.”
My clients have…
My clinic is where you come when everything else has failed.
So, if that’s you, you’re in good company.
I want to prove to you that the only thing we care about is getting you RESULTS.
On this page, I want to make you a really special offer.
I’d like to offer you to come in for your first session, get a complete assessment, as well as a roadmap session where we break down a plan-of-attack to getting you back to 100%.
…and I’d like to offer it to you for FREE!
Most of our clients come in “at wits end.”
Some even tell me that they are “throwing up a Hail Mary” here!
You deserve a break and that’s why I’m making you this offer.
My only ask, is a small $100 REFUNDABLE deposit on that session. This just holds your place on our calendar and ensures us that the people coming in are serious about getting better and not just tire-kickers looking for a freebie.
So, if you’re serious, all you have to do is,
Does that sound fair enough?
Thanks so much for taking a moment to read our story and I cannot wait to get to share the PRI magic with you!
Sean Light
From: Sean Light
Founder of 4A Health
New York, NY
Dear Friend,
When I was in second grade, I remember standing in my living room reading a magazine and suddenly feeling a painful tug behind my eyes.
Over the next hour or so, that pain grew more and more intense until it became completely unbearable.
This was the first migraine headache I ever experienced, and before long, it became a part of who I was.
I tried all the different pills and all the different experts.
Nothing helped.
My only chance was to catch it early enough, stop what I was doing and go lie down in a cool, dark room and pray that it would pass.
If I was too late, it was like a runaway train. There was no stopping it.
In 2013, I was in my first year as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Arizona Diamondbacks when I felt that all-too-familiar tug behind my eyes.
I knew I was in trouble and as the new guy on the staff, I couldn’t just leave for the day because my head hurt.
I walked into our team doctor’s office, desperate for a solution.
“Yea!” one of the guys said, “We have Andrew.”
Andrew was our resident genius. He was famous for his incredibly effective techniques that seemed to work like magic.
A few minutes later, Andrew had me on a massage table, moving my legs around, testing things and trying stuff.
I had no clue what he was doing but I was desperate.
Suddenly, he stopped and laughed, “HA! I found it.”
“You found it?” I replied.
“Yea!” he continued, “It’s coming from your Right Glute.”
As crazy as that sounds to you reading this, is exactly how crazy it sounded to me in that moment. But again…I was desperate.
“Well, can you do something about it?” I asked.
He had me turn onto my side and asked me to hold my right leg in the air.
“Don’t let me push it down.” He said.
I held it there for a few moments. Then suddenly, he shoved my knee down to the table and I reflexively shot it back up.
“There!” he said, “Stand up and walk around.”
I peeled myself off the table and slowly started walking around the room.
Now, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t instant, but over the next few minutes, my headache melted away.
He thought for a moment, looked up at me and said, “Ahhhh, it’s just too complicated.”
In that moment, I dedicated my entire life to uncovering the science behind that miracle.
Much like you, I had wondered if this would ever go away. Was this just something I was going to have to live with forever.
Was I always going to have to carry pills around in my backpack…just in case?
And in an instant, I was no longer Sean, the migraine sufferer. I was just Sean.
I had hope for a future without pain.
This was my first introduction to the incredible world of PRI.
Over the next few years, I would take every course that the institute offered.
I would even go back into the appendix of the courses to read the books they had listed in their list of resources. I wanted to know it all!
Soon, I would start to develop a reputation in the industry as “a fixer.”
As I continued to learn, I started performing my own PRI miracles.
I learned about this phenomenon that I call “the PRI giggles.”
It’s when I’m able to get rid of someone’s pain so unexpectedly fast, that their only response is to just start laughing.
I actually had a client just say this to me…
In fact, here are some more stories from our clients...
A few years after that crazy day, PRI had helped me do something else incredible.
I landed my dream job as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA.
All of this would never have happened had it not been for that fateful, life-changing day back in Arizona.
As my reputation grew in the athletic performance industry, I would travel around the country giving keynote presentations and even serve as a guest lecturer at several prestigious universities.
At the end of every presentation, I line would form towards the front of the room where people from the audience would come up to ask me about the pain they were in.
During my years in professional sports, I had produced so many magical PRI moments, but I soon began to realize that to serve at the highest level, I needed to help more than just pro athletes.
So, in 2017, I left professional sports for good, and I launched my business…a PRI clinic, here in New York City, 4A Health & Performance Sciences.
Most of the clients that come through the doors of my clinic have, what I call, “uncommon pain.”
My clients have…
My clinic is where you come when everything else has failed.
So, if that’s you, you’re in good company.
I want to prove to you that the only thing we care about is getting you RESULTS.
On this page, I want to make you a really special offer.
I’d like to offer you to come in for your first session, get a complete assessment, as well as a roadmap session where we break down a plan-of-attack to getting you back to 100%.
…and I’d like to offer it to you for FREE!
Most of our clients come in “at wits end.”
Some even tell me that they are “throwing up a Hail Mary” here!
You deserve a break and that’s why I’m making you this offer.
My only ask, is a small $100 REFUNDABLE deposit on that session. This just holds your place on our calendar and ensures us that the people coming in are serious about getting better and not just tire-kickers looking for a freebie.
So, if you’re serious, all you have to do is,
Does that sound fair enough?
Thanks so much for taking a moment to read our story and I cannot wait to get to share the PRI magic with you!
Sean Light